Thursday, October 16, 2008

What's a girl to do?

When she's got a million things she wants and not all the money that she needs.

Yesterday, I couldn't resist my temptation and got me another book from the used bookstore. It's "The Devil Wears Prada", book edition. It cost me only $2 for the book. Quite cheap, yeah?

But if I look at my previous purchases [ie books], it seems that I don't have a hell of a lot of time to finish all of them, but I still want more and more books! Eyurgh.


You could help me get more books by giving me a "Smooch" through bookmooch, my bio is: rubs917

You could also browse my inventory if you wish to get any of my books :) Those points could add up and I could mooch more books [ones that I haven't read yet] from other people :)

Gotta go... Still have other stuff to do.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

updates. updates. updates.

Last Monday, I got myself the remaining three books of the Twilight Series: "New Moon", "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn."

I am a recovering shopaholic/hoarder and I find myself buying all three books at once.

I have a million other books that I haven't read yet and here I am, shopping again. Argh.

Anyway..... soooo freaking happy! Boyzone just released their Greatest Hits DVD last Monday & a new alb as well. Then Take That released a new single on the radio.

I have never been soooo happy :) I love those two bands and I'm soo excited whenever I look at those updates and see those.

Later.. =)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I am extremely sleepy.

I am bored.

I want to go home.

I want to buy this book:

But I haven't finished with Dan Brown yet.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

books, books, books.

Today, I finished reading "Deception Point" by Dan Brown.

After a million years of trying to read that book, I've finally finished!

Today, I'm reading "Deception Point" by Dan Brown.

Wish me luck that I'll finish this soon! :)

I'll probs post a review when I'm quite bored. :P

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Chris Brown and Rihanna in Manila.

Just saw ticketworld's site and they have a preview of upcoming concerts. and tadah. I see this:

They're coming!

No details on ticket prices/venue yet. My guess is that ticket prices would be around 3k+ for the front block seats and venue might be an open field [the fort, maybe?]

I've no plans of shelling out a lot of cash this December but if any generous ones out there could give me some tickets [i only need 1 :P ] then I'd be one happy camper!

On other stuff, how was your weekend? Mine was very boring. I stayed at home, catched up with Heroes Season 1 [LOSER] and read a pages in some books I've been meaning to read for quite some time.