Friday, October 23, 2009

24hour readathon updates

PRE-READATHON POST:                                              


My internet is such a pain right now. It keeps on disconnecting for some reason or another! Othertimes, its dialup speed slow. Ugh.

Anyhow, I'm posting this in preparation for the 24hour readathon tonight [its nearly 3pm here in Manila so 5 more hours to go before the readathon]

I'm well rested [sort of] and ready to go. My book list is ready as well.

Will edit this post with every hour that I am in the readathon. :D

Oh by the way, if you happen to pass by my blog, you live in the US and want to win a FREE book, please do so by leaving a comment here:

THE READATHON                                                                           

~This is a long, comprehensive post of all the hours I'd stayed up for the readathon~

 HOUR ONE [8pm Manila time]
So I tucked in my audiobook of Eclipse [I had a drastic headache tonight, must have been after all the partying from last night] and since I logged on to the readathon page, there was a mini-challenge that I was keen to do.

Mini Challenge # 1

Where are you reading from today?
 I'll be reading from home, currently at  my mom's bedroom since the internet speed here is faster than my room [currently using Wifi internet] 

3 facts about me …
I read very slowly
I live in a third world country
I love to travel 

How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours?
Currently have less than 7, but maybe more as we go along? 

Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)?
Nothing much. I just hope to complete at least one book, I'll be very happy with that.   

If you’re a veteran read-a-thoner, Any advice for people doing this for the first time?

It's my first time!! :D

HOUR TWO [9pm Manila time]

Still "reading" [ie listening] to Stephenie Meyer's Eclipse. I am currently browsing through the blogs, and hopefully i'll continue to do so until around midnight [Manila time] tonight! 

Mini-challenge # 2
So I joined another mini-challenge and it's about the readathon trending on twitter.

So here's the screenshot of my post as well as the trending topic in twitter. Awesome!

HOUR 3 [10PM Manila time]                                                                        

Okay, so I've switched from "reading" Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer to "Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone" by JK Rowling. Still reading via audiobooks because my eyes and head are still hurting. And well, audiobooks give me a much better chance of multi-tasking than by reading physical or electronic copies of books. Good thing I stocked up on audio books then. 

I've left off on Chapter 20-something in Eclipse whilst I'm on Chapter 1 in Harry Potter. 

More updates to come!

I've joined in a few more mini-challenges too, one of them pinpointing my location whilst the others are commenting in the websites recommended by the readathon. 

Done a bit share of cheerleading too. 

My, this is hard. 

I have to log out for now and change rooms. My mom is getting sleepy and I've got to relocate.

HOUR 4 [11PM Manila time]                                                                       

So, I'm still on Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone.
Pages read from the first three hours [including Eclipse - Stephenie Meyer]: 34 pages
[I know, pathetic, right? But I had to eat at 8PM, plus move stuff around & do other chores, and cheerlead... all right, I'm rambling now].

HOUR 5 [12MN Manila time, October 25th]                                                                       

Book I'm reading now: Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone

Pages read - Eclipse - Stephenie Meyer - 20

Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone - JK Rowling - 35 and counting

Total number of pages read - 55

Mini challenges completed - 4

Prize won - One! A random cheerlead prize. Wheeee!!! My first prize ever from the readathon -- and since I've started cheering as well! teehee.

Number of other sites visited/cheered on - 8, I think? I don't really remember since I've only kept track during the third hour! teehee. *blush*

HOUR 6 [1AM Manila time, October 25th]                                                                       

Book I'm reading now: Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone

Pages read - Eclipse - Stephenie Meyer - 20

Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone - JK Rowling - 56 and counting

Total number of pages read - 76+

Mini challenges completed - 5

Prize won - One! A random cheerlead prize. Wheeee!!! My first prize ever from the readathon -- and since I've started cheering as well! teehee.

Number of other sites visited/cheered on - 15, I think? I don't really remember since I've only kept track during the third hour! teehee. *blush*

Okay, it's official: I probably won't be posting on hour 7 as my eyes are already drooping and I'll just read a physical book to get me to sleep.
More updates tomorrow [Manila time] and hopefully more challenges to join in!
Will be creating a new post tomorrow as this post is already too long!

Good night folks!

I never expected the readathon to be this fun :P Many thanks to all cheerleaders and other people who dropped by my blog during the first hours.


Nina said...

Happy reading!

Francesca Ivy said...

Happy Reading Ruby and hope you enjoy! Cheerleading you. :)

Laura said...

Happy Reading to you!! :)

Louise said...

Good Evening

My name is Louise, and I am from Copenhagen, Denmark. This is my first visit to your blog, and I am already looking forward to come back when the whole Read-a-Thon busyness has come down ;-)

The Read-a-Thon began for me at 2 PM, since 5 AM Pacific Time means 2 PM Copenhagen Time ;) I hope to be able to hang around for many more hours... I am not reading though, but having a lot of fun working my way through a lot of great blogs to cheer. GO! GO! GO!

What about some painkillers for that headache? Hope you feel better soon.

Kailana said...

My internet is acting up, too! It's making commenting very time consuming. So annoying!

Happy reading!

fickle fan said...

@nina, ivan & laura many thanks for all your encouragement :D

@louise i must have had a bit of a party last night, slept through most of this morning [and a bit late afternoon] just trying to recover from it but it won't go away! lol.
it's gone now, but there's slight throbs here and there. gah. partying + getting old = they do not go together! :P
i'm cheering as well! good luck to the both of us :)

Esme said...

Enjoy your 24 hours of reading.

Somer said...

Woo hoo! You're doing great! Hope you're having fun so far! READ! READ! READ!

Louise said...

Hope all is going well now that we are into the 6th hour of the Read-a-Thon :) Still Cheering from Copenhagen, Denmark...

Vasilly said...

I hope your connection comes back. Happy reading.

Alessandra said...

Very happy readathon! Enjoy your books :D

Kristen said...

You've done well. Hope your sleep is refreshing and you wake ready to hop back into things. :-) Keep reading and smiling!

Lenore said...

I love to travel too. See you on the flip side ;)

Trish said...

Let's go
Let's go, chip in, it's time to cheer,
It's simple, yell what you hear,
Go Reader Go,
Go Reader Go,
Fire up and scream,
Read Read!

congrats on your prize Ruby!

Jen said...

Looks like you're doing great so far! Good luck in the rest of the read-a-thon!

Jodie said...

Happy reading, good luck for the rest of the day!

fickle fan said...

Hiya all!

Many thanks for all your support & cheers! Yay :)

I've posted my Day 2 blog now about the readathon below:

Good luck to all of us! :D A few more hours ahead!

Belle said...

Good luck with the readathon!