Friday, January 15, 2010

Book Review: Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter is back on his second year at Hogwarts! This time, with even more adventures and lessons along the way! This year, strange happenings have been going on at Hogwarts, which all points strangely to the legend of the Chamber of Secrets! Will Harry ever survive the monster hidden within the depths of the chamber?

My first book for 2010!! What a good read it has been! I didn't imagine I'd finish it this quickly. Anyway, I initially re-read this book as part of the Harry Potter book challenge on at GalleySmith, which I'm doing badly on as I need to finish all 7 books by July 2010. Here's hoping that I get to finish this!

Anyway, back to the review of the second book. It's faster-paced compared to the first book, and this time, the characters are more defined and I get to learn more spells and "wizard terms" so to speak. I got to know some new characters as well, including the mandatory new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I'm learning all about magical enchantments and othe rmagical creatures!

This book definitely did not lack in trying to explain what had happened to Ginny and Tom Riddle. Although the book did not necessarily build Ginny's character at all, it helped build more stronger relationships and character backgrounds for Ron, Harry and Hermione. This book also provides a stepping stone to the other Harry Potter books, which I spent time trying to figure out and remembering who played a part in what on the latter parts of the books.

Quite a quick read, so definitely good to start my new year, it's definitely a boost to the stats! It's also written in such a way that anyone could understand it: young adults, and adults alike! I like!

Overall, I'll give it a 4/5 rating! I know most of you guys have either already read the books or seen the movie so go watch or read them again :) Harry definitely is part of our pop culture now and is here to stay!


Michelle said...

Don't worry, you're doing great on the challenge! You've got this book completed :) Me? I'm doing poorly I haven't read one yet, haha.

fickle fan said...

@Michelle - they're excellent! I love the additional information that were omitted out of the movies :)