Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year Readathon Updates

I think it's better to post one collective post rather than many so below is my update for the New Year Readathon hosted by Bookworming in the 21st Century

Day Three: JANUARY 3, 2010:
- Proved to be a very, very bad reader. I watched Merlin again in the evening! Will do a bit of reading as well but maybe when I go to bed later. Was sick for the afternoon so I did a lot of resting + sleeping before going to work tomorrow. I suck. Lol. I suck on reading under pressure! =p

How did you guys do on this readathon?

 Day Two: JANUARY 2, 2010:
- Read Extravagance - Gary Kirst - 8 pages total
- Read Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets - 20 pages total.
- Watched a LOT of tv episodes & also The Young Victoria! lol. I love the holidays! I can't stop watching the telly!

Day One: JANUARY 1, 2010: 
- Read a total of 8 pages of Ribblestrop - Andy Mulligan
- That's all I read! lol. I spent most of the time catching up on sleep and hanging out with my family!



Book Crazy Jenn said...

Merlin is a GREAT GREAT movie! :)

Did you enjoy your reading at least? I have been reading like crazy, it's soo fun - it's been nice to get a bit lost in a book for the last few days of this vacation, the kiddo was getting a bit nutty LOL

StephanieD said...

I loved The Young Victoria! I was a lazy reader last night, too. Decided to watch Star Wars Episodes II & III - I have no idea why.

Book Dilettante said...

I read only 1/3 of a book over the holiday week! Hope you get over your cold soon. Please visit my Sunday Salon.

Kristen said...

I'm glad you're keeping such track of everything! I finally buckled down and read for 3 straight hours yesterday. I definitely wont hit my goal, but I'm feeling less guilty.

Esme said...

Ruby how was your holiday?