live vicariously through me.
In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren
It features bought, borrowed, or received books as well as other cool stuff from the mail. Isn't it fun?
In this week, I didn't get any books! But I did get the following:
On My Wishlist is a weekly meme hosted by Book Chick City, which will be posted every Wednesday. It allows us to share the books we haven't bought yet but are waiting to be bought and devoured.
I would normally post one book per week as there are loads and loads and loads of books in cyberspace and if I list more than one, I might get a headache!
This week, on my wishlist is Fallen by Lauren Kate. I saw this book at the local bookstore this week and I sooo want it! But again, it's in hardcover so it's quite a bit expensive as well!
Doesn't the cover look preettyy?? It's one of those books that are very highly buzzed about in the blogosphere this 2009 and I'm sure it will take off in 2010 as well. Aren't fallen angels all the buzz now?
Guys, I am so sorry for not updating my blog for the past few days!
Work has been so hectic [long story] -- friends, I'll tell them to you the next time we chat or meet up. And to cut it short, we are going on LOOOONG Overtime hours for the past 7 weekdays and it is NOT fun, especially with Christmas around the corner.
Books that I should've finished reading a week ago are still unfinished at the moment, gah! And of course, I haven't prepared reviews or uploads for the stuff I've done for the past few days.
Bear with me and hopefully all this work crap should be done by Christmas Eve. So I could FINALLY enjoy my Christmas holiday!
And yahoo.... Bank Holiday on the 28th so no work! More sleep, telly shows & movies to watch, and also books to read!
Until the next update. Here's hoping you guys have a Happy Christmas!
In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren
It features bought, borrowed, or received books from the mail. Isn't it fun?
On My Wishlist is a weekly meme hosted by Book Chick City, which will be posted every Wednesday. It allows us to share the books we haven't bought yet but are waiting to be bought and devoured.
I would normally post one book per week as there are loads and loads and loads of books in cyberspace and if I list more than one, I might get a headache! lol.
For this week, I have two books! Hah! They're mostly British books and I think are only available in bookstores in the UK, so bear with me :P I'm not sure when I could buy these books online or physically [living in the far east sucks sometimes. If I have these books shipped, it'll cost me a LOT in shipping + in customs taxes :S ]
For this week, I didn't buy any books! Yay for my wallet! :) I can't say it will stay the same for next week though :P
But I did get the below in the mail -- they're Mythical Creatures Stamps that I've won from Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon last October :) Aren't they pretttyy??? :) I think they're only available in the UK and are mint condition!
On My Wishlist is a weekly meme hosted by Book Chick City, which will be posted every Wednesday. It allows us to share the books we haven't bought yet but are waiting to be bought and devoured.
I would normally post one book per week as there are loads and loads and loads of books in cyberspace and if I list more than one, I might get a headache! lol.
This week, its Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
So I've joined in another 24 hour readathon on It was slated from December 5th, 7pm [Manila time] to December 6th [Manila time]
Unfortunately my internet was acting up yesterday evening so I wasn't able to update at around 9pm Manila time and only got online today.
I love readathons, they give me a chance to cut down some of my Mt TBR list and interact with fellow bloggers out there :)
Unfortunately, with this December 5th readathon, I only found out a few hours before, and my weekend plans have been taken! I've been to watch New Moon at the movie theatre and a bit of shopping on the 5th and watch a local musical production of Sweeney Todd on the 6th.
In the past Dewey readathon last October, I managed to save at least an entire day for the readathon.
Sad to say, my stats for this readathon were dismal. Finished around 10 pages in total inthe books I'm reading *blushes*. I didn't stay up late to read any books, but got tempted and saw three episodes of Gossip Girl season 2, slept, and went to the shows I've mentioned above.
Not that I mind reading, but I've just had a very busy month-end at work so I took a very easy weekend off.
For those of you who entered this readathon, how was it for you? Was it more successful and productive compared to me? :P
In this week's mailbox, I didn't buy any books [brand new or used]! Instead, I got the following as parcels from contests I've won from Cherry Mischievous and Bitten By Books! =)
On My Wishlist is a weekly meme hosted by Book Chick City, which will be posted every Wednesday. It allows us to share the books we haven't bought yet but are waiting to be bought and devoured.
I would normally post one book per week as there are loads and loads and loads of books in cyberspace and if I list more than one, I might get a headache! lol.
This week's On My Wishlist:
In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren
It features bought, borrowed, or received books from the mail. Isn't it fun?
For this week, my hoards are as follows:
BoughtDemonata #5: Blood Beast. Got this from my favourite bookstore and was marked down! It's a hardbound copy and only costs $2.50 [100 PHP]. Who could resist it? Well... I'm still missing books 2-4 but I'll find it eventually.
Book Description from
Books on the Spotlight is a monthly event I'm doing to highlight books that I've been reading and would feature reviews in the next few weeks.
For December 2009, the books I hope to complete and post reviews of are as follows:
*all images searched from google images; product descriptions from*
I'm on a roll!
Last Saturday, I was at the mall near the concert grounds where Katy Perry would have her concert.
Of course I had to stop by my favourite used bookstore chain to see if there was anything worth getting.
I did end up with one book. Then a friend of mine sent me a text message as I was walking to the concert grounds, she said that there was a 20% off sale at one bookstore in a mall on the other side of town.
I so wanted to get the Luxe Box set and with a 20% off incentive,I had to ask my friend to get it for me!
So, for this week, here are my buys:
Apologies for not announcing the winner earlier. I've just been swamped with work! *phew*
Anyway, using the help of a random line picker, I finally got to choose the three winners of Kissing Games of the World by Sandi Kahn Shelton
Just a passing note from me-- I've been noticing that most book blogs concentrate on new books being released. Granted, some of them are lucky enough to get Advanced Reader Copies [ARCs] or finished copies from authors or publishers, and some of them do tend to buy new books more often than the older releases.
Which leads me to the question: do you prefer reading new releases [ie books released just this year] or do you prefer reading older releases?
In my case, I prefer reading the older releases. Why? Well, because I love finding older releases on sale in used bookstores! Plus, I get to buy them for more than half the price that's way cheaper than the ones that are still brand-new. To be honest, books are just part of a huge set of addictions that I have so I tend to find something that will entertain me at the lowest cost I could possibly get. Meaning, I don't really buy every book I buy full price [unless I really, really, really, really want to read that certain book.] Plus, these used books have a lot of character in it.
My fascination with older releases is that I get to review books that other people have long forgotten or not have taken a good look at when they were first released. What, with all the hype regarding the new ones, someone has got to review the older ones, right?
That's just my two cents for now.
In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. Granted I don't buy nor receive too many books in my mail, I'll only post In My Mailbox posts whenever I get or buy a book or two :)
So, for this week, I got a lovely package containing "Green" by Ted Dekker from Thomas Nelson for review.
I'm LOVING this book. Seriously. It opened my eyes up to the world of Ancient Egypt like it never had.
Granted, I'd always been biased to British history and literary figures but this book has blown me away.
Though it does have it's ups and downs [more of which I'll post when I've finished reading the book, I'm about 1/3 there], I constantly have to google and research to create a visual interpretation of what Michelle Moran was saying in the book.
So, hence, for myself [and any others who might be interested in Ancient Egypt], I created a virtual tour and guide of the times as based from the book of Michelle Moran. Well, mostly I did it to avoid having to google everything again, so I'll just post everything I come up here and credit as necessary. And basically I just want the readers of my blog to appreciate the same things I did whilst I was reading the book!
No spoilers below! But if I do slip, let me know in the comments so I could update this post!
Labels: adventure, alexandria, books, cleopatras daughter, egypt, michelle moran, travel
Not even sure if there are "monobooking" or "polybooking" in the dictionary or anywhere else in general, but in theory, monobooking means reading only one book at a time, whilst polybooking means reading two or more books at one time.
I've realized over the past few days that I am at a loss at what to blog about. After Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone, I haven't finished a book yet out of the many I've started to read. Granted, for the past week, I've done a million other errands at home and month-end work had just finished so I had no work-life balance at all during the past five days, only got to sleep, eat, get ready for work, and read for 45 minutes to an hour each day on my way to and from work. Ah. The downsides of month-end. But then again, that's really no excuse.
I figure that the reason why I'm really slow in reading books nowadays is that I've started so many books at once! For now, my current reading list is 9 books! Gah. Blame the up and down depression of my past week, I was at a loss of what to read and I wound up jumping from one book to the other when I don't feel like reading the subject anymore.
I've also got a weird habit where there's some books where I absolutely refuse to take out of my room[blame paranoia-- I can't stand the thought of that book being spilled on by water or juice if I brought it in the kitchen, of it being sat on when I bring it in the living room], whilst there are other books that I separate to bring out of the house and swap on bookmooch after I've finished reading. Weird, weird me.
Anyway, I've also got to thinking if any of you lot read one book at a time or read two or more books at any given time? Why do you want to monobook? Why would you prefer to polybook?